THE CLOCK: A Timekeeping Tool for the Church of Tomorrow
Note: Use the Contact Form to request a FREE PDF entitled, A LITTLE SCROLL and A LONG LOST KEY: Unlocking the Mystery of the Seven Thunders and its Message for Peoples, Nations, Languages, and Kings. This PDF includes the clock, the key, and the net.
Ebooks and Hard Copies
The Clock is a comprehensive, in-depth examination of Genesis 1 through the lens of light, color, images of nature, and the subject of time. The book reveals a timekeeping tool for the church of tomorrow based on the literary structure of the priestly account of Creation in Genesis 1—a tool that the church of today does not presently have in her spiritual conscience. The Clock provides the church with a much needed theology of time. It gives the human spirit a compass-like sense of orientation for humanity’s journey into the church of tomorrow.
Videos available on YouTube Channel here.

A collage of some of the images featured in THE CLOCK – A Timekeeping Tool for the Church of Tomorrow